Our office represents surrogates, donors, and intended parents.

We create ARTS agreements that are thorough, logically organized, and easy to read, but we also understand that using contracts to expand your family can be legally and emotionally complicated. If you are a party to a genetic or gestational surrogacy arrangement or are working with a sperm or egg donor, we can add clarity and peace of mind to your experience.

Contact us if you have any assisted reproduction questions

Our office represents surrogates, donors, and intended parents.

We create ARTS agreements that are thorough, logically organized, and easy to read, but we also understand that using contracts to expand your family can be legally and emotionally complicated. If you are a party to a genetic or gestational surrogacy arrangement or are working with a sperm or egg donor, we can add clarity and peace of mind to your experience.

Contact us if you have any assisted reproduction questions